Child Observation Report

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Goal 1: Christiana will stabilize her mood. Christiana appeared to be in a good mood when the QP met with her for a session. Christiana denied be affecting by her mother and stepfather's pending divorce and believes her younger sister will be affected the most. Christiana reflected on the family going to the circus together on Tuesday which rarely happens because her stepfather is never off work early. Christiana focused on the goals in this lesson which are to stomp the A.N.T.s and focus on positive self-talk, eat family meal together, and learn the My Time concept. Christiana shared, "We usually don't eat together because of schedules, but when everyone is home we will eat together." Christiana listened as the QP shared 2 ways to build a loving …show more content…

Goal 2: Christiana will improve her academic performance and social functioning. Christiana stated, "I just know better not to do them because of my grandmother's substance abuse issues." Christiana informed the QP, "sometimes my parents let me sip their alcohol beverage because they want to me to tasty and not go wild and become an alcohol in future." Christiana shrugged and appeared indifferent about her parents allowing her to try their alcohol, but stated, "I don't think if the future I would want to drink a lot anyway." Christiana commented, "my godsister and I take turns with the loading and unloading the dishwasher then we rotate who does the litter box and take out the trash." Christiana acknowledged, "I did go back and talk to him alone and I will be able to pass the class, but he also said he will look for my homebound paperwork when it comes through." Christiana shared, "my mom has not completed the paperwork for me to go on homebound because of my migraines, so I don't think she is on board with the idea

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