Child Observation Essay

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1. What type of setting did the observation take place in?
The observation took place inside the classroom of the Head Start Program.
2. What areas in the classroom did the child play in and what did you observe?
The class I observe was schedule to be in the science and music area that day. After having breakfast and brushing their teeth, we proceeded to the science and music area where the children got to choose in what section of the room (according to their interest) they wanted to explore that morning.
3. Describe the language interaction you observed? Did the teacher ask questions? If so were they yes or no questions or were they open-ended?
I rotated between both the science and music area; Most of the children where at the science
Describe the emotional connection you observed between the teacher and child.
While playing in the music area, a little girl got her finger hurt by one of the instruments. She started crying, and ran to hug the teacher. She took a look at it, sang a song (have no idea how the song went), and pretended she kissed her finger, and tapped it on the child’s finger to make it better. She smiled, and went back to playing. It was obvious that the children are very fond of the
That feeling is magic.
10. What are their biggest challenges working with children?
The biggest challenge of working with children is the adults! Parents who believe their child is a god among men, administration that constantly insists on a new paper or from to justify my job, coworkers that have lost the drive and are only working to collect a paycheck…. all these factors rubbing on you make the job difficult. In the end, I remind myself I’m here for the children.
11. What advice would they give someone going into the field of education?
Be prepared for an emotional roller coaster. There will be days when you fell high on life. There will be days when you fell lower than lower and the world (kids, parents, coworkers, everyone!) is working against you. You will experience an intense feeling of family; I call it the Mama Bear feeling-Lord help the adult or child who hurts or interferes with your students! There’s a sense of awe and a lot of love in the littlest ways. Those are the best. And prepare for exhaustion. Not just from the bad days and rough kids, but the good days, too. It takes a lot out of you. You have to be emotionally

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