Child Labour Persuasive Speech

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She falls over, a wave of exhaustion washing over her. Almost immediately the tall scary man slaps her, yelling threats of terrible things. She forces herself to stand, the cuts on her legs open and blood rushes out. The kids around her don't stop working. Their hands move in rhythms doing the same movements over and over. A few of the girls steal glances at the little girl but show no sympathy. All of their faces are the same; lifeless. On the table in front of these children are the shirt you wore yesterday, the pants you are wearing today and all the clothes you have never really appreciated. The lifeless beings that we call children work for hours picking the cotton that made your shirt, sewing every tiny thread on your shirt, they spend …show more content…

They don't have the time, opportunity, and money to go to school. Imagine working for your whole life and not even knowing what 2+2 is. Poverty is the leading cause of child labor and if children can't go to school and become literate the cycle keeps going on. Basic education is not free in all countries and is not always available for children, especially in remote rural areas. Where schools are available, the quality of education can be poor. In situations where education is not affordable, available, or parents see no value in education, children are sent to work, instead of school. If we provide education for the children maybe we can stop the cycle of illiteracy. Also we could supply the children with one meal a day. This would not only assure them of having at least one meal a day but it could help them grow into healthy human beings. Imagine not going to school every day and instead standing in 100 degree weather the sun beating down on you while you do excruciating work... What if it were …show more content…

They go through constant physical and sexual abuse. That's on top of everything else they are going through. The worst forms of child labor (slavery, soldiering, prostitution, drug trafficking) have traumatic effects, including longer term health and socioeconomic effects. Some Health issues child laborer go through are Rapid skeletal growth, Development of organs and tissues, Greater risk of hearing loss, Developing ability to assess risks, Greater need for food and rest, Higher chemical, absorption rates, Smaller size, and Lower heat tolerance. This not only affects their life presently but also makes a huge impact on them in the future. They also often get cut, scratched, and severely hurt everyday while working... What if it were

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