Child Development 0-19 Analysis

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The aspects of development children are measured on are physical, social and emotional, intellectual and language development. Below are some guidelines. Physical development There are many physical changes between the ages of 0-3 years. By 6 months a child will turn their head towards different sounds and movements, for example if a phone rings a baby will recognise the sound and therefore turn her head towards the object. A child of this age will often look and reach for objects, smile at familiar faces and put everything in their mouth. Also at this age a child will start to hold their head up for a few seconds, this is a gross motor skill, also using fine motor skills such as grasping objects. Between 6 months and 1 year a child will move …show more content…

By 5 years a child is more coordinated. Being able to hop without losing balance, kick a ball whilst aiming and a certain object and catch a large ball with ease. Children of this age will now draw and write with more control, accuracy and detail. The natural physical development of children at ages 6-7 is tied strongly to plenty of playtime and exercise. At this stage, children typically have better balance and coordination, can jump from heights, rides a bike and can skip. They become more adept at drawing and writing letters, and their pictures and stories become more recognizable Between the ages of 7 and 12 years a child is quite physically independent. By age 8 a child will enjoy playing team games such as football and netball. As school age children grow physically, they become faster and stronger. They also learn such skills as tying shoelaces and untying knots. Early stages of puberty may have already started in girls by age 10 or 11 but during Adolescence many girls will have regular periods and boys most boys will be taller than girls by the end of this stage. As they are becoming adults many girls will be fully matured, although boy’s continue to grow and change until their

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