Child Brain Development

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The development of children are very important because of the way they come up (how they develop). Every child develops differently depending on the genes or heredity, either way, children are uniquely different in their coming up. Children began to get to know their surroundings which they are affected by. When children are born, they have no worries whatsoever at the moment because they are babies. They don't know any better just yet. The development takes time. In the meantime, children just want to be babies, not yet, ready to take on the responsibilities of doing for themselves. Most babies born just like to eat, sleep and cry. They even like to get to know who and what comes in contact with them. Whether it is a toy or just their parents …show more content…

In other words, as we grow and experience life, we get familiar with knowing who we are interacting with. Whether it is family and close relatives and later down the road, our peers in the world, our brains begin to wire up or connect in a way that becomes our way of remembering or knowing who we are connecting with. It is our neurons that communicate and connect to other cells and strengthen very important pathways to parts of the brain. If those connections are not strengthened through our attachment, children are deprived the experiences they need to grow the pre- frontal cortex. “Learning and executive function are compromised and children remain unable to regulate their emotions and behaiors in response to their experience of the world” (Johnson, 2000). “Children at different stages, have varying levels of access to executive functions of the brain. Without the time to amass an array of emotional and physical experiences, their brains cannot always successfully predict, plan, or react properly. Therefore, they may fail to act responsibly” (Johnson, 2000). As children grow, his or her filters or patterns blueprint, will organize his or her systems of thought, memory, beliefs, emotions, expectations, and inform their brain on how to react on various situations. The developmental focuses on the ages beginning from birth to three. By the time a child is …show more content…

Connection become stronger and more efficient through repeated use. “For example, reading to children everyday helps strengthen essential connections. Connections are also made stronger when children have daily opportunities to develop both large and small muscle skills, have the chance to practice developing social skills, and interact directly with their environment”(Johnson, 2000). “It is vital to incorporate rich language into all of these activities, since exposure to rich language creates the foundation for a child’s use and understanding of words, and increases the likelihood of reading success at a later age” (Johnson, 2000). It is normal to have children as young as two to play and have hands-on exploration so that the child can get to interact and begin to know their surroundings a lot more. Furthermore, children between the ages of zero to three, need to be able to explore because the more they explore and develop a new skill, each new skill the child learns helps them develop more skills. Both genes and experience influence skill development. “The neurons children are born with branches out and make connections based on experiences. In the first three years of a child's life, their brain has the potential to make billions of connections, limited only by the number of neurons available. A child's brain is constantly creating and recreating connections”

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