Cherish The Moments Short Story

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“Cherish the moments”, that's what I would have done before my brother left. Little did I know that one decision my brother made would impact me so much. My brother and I had been very close ever since we were little. But he was 17 now and had just graduated from Green High School. At the same time making one of the biggest decisions in his life, what his profession was going to be and what college he was going to go to. Turns out he wasn’t going to college, he was going to join the Air Force to become a Loadmaster . This had been his dream ever since he was ten years old. Who would have thought his choice would change me forever? Before Tommy left I noticed he was being way more kind than usual and talked to me more. I recall him asking …show more content…

But one thing made it better…. the letters. Everyone in my family sent letters and everyone got some back. Each letter I got from him constantly reminded me that he was gone. I still have the card he sent me on my birthday. This card was the most heartfelt thing I have ever received. It made me cry. A part of the letter said “You have got a big head on your shoulders and you should never change who you are.” He said things that were so heartfelt and inspirational I couldn’t believe what I was reading. At that moment I realized how much he had changed and him going into the military wasn’t bad at …show more content…

It was amazing to finally see him again. When I first got to Lackland Air Force base all I saw were soldiers marching down the street. The next day we went to the ceremony and as soon as I saw him I knew this was one of the happiest moments of my life. Me and my mom ran as fast as possible to see him. We then realized he was a rock. He was very muscular. He was also as thin as a pencil. We spent much time talking and catching up for the rest of the week. But yet again, we had to separate and leave to go back to Ohio. Later on that year ,in November, Tommy had to miss Thanksgiving. This made my whole family disappointed. We couldn’t spend the Thanksgiving as a whole. My brother couldn’t eat my grandmother’s famous pumpkin pie. He had to sit in a room alone with no Thanksgiving meal. It has now been two years of him being in the Air Force and now I realize this whole experience of my brother leaving has honestly changed me so much, but in a great ways. I have become more patriotic. Now, when I see military commercials on tv, Air Force stickers on cars, or even anything with an american flag on it, I feel proud of my country. When I see a veteran or soldier at a restaurant or at a store, I understand what big of sacrifice they made and what their family had to go through. This journey I have went through and currently still going through has taught me so much and made me learn that my law of life is “Cherish the moments” because I never know

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