Chemical Digestion

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She sat crying on her bed. The poor girl just got dumped and hasn’t stopped balling. She picked me up and started shoveling me into her mouth. I was the favorite breakup ice cream, double dutch chocolate. I sat on her tongue, wondering where I was going. Thankfully I’m not alone, like the poor dumped teenager. I have you to go on this journey with me. I sat in her mouth for a little while. It was time for me to go through digestion. Her saliva started to mix with me then, mechanical digestion started. Her teeth came down on me. The incisors cut through my brownie bits making them smaller than before. Her canines tore and sliced me. The molars came down and I was toast. (Just kidding I’m ice cream) The molars crushed and grinded me into a pulp. The chemical digestion started while I was being torn apart. An enzyme called amylase broke down my starches and turned them into sugar molecules. Finally, the broken hearted girl swallowed me. I travel through the esophagus, a tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. In the esophagus, mechanical digestion happens. Here I won’t go through chemical digestion. While we were talking I wasn't sucked into the lungs for, my trusty friend the epiglottis kept me out of the lungs. Involuntary waves are muscle …show more content…

The large intestine is the final place of absorption. The large intestine absorbs the nutrients and all the water in the leftover or waste product. The large intestine also helps in the absorption of vitamins made by bacteria that normally live in the large intestine. Vitamin K is produced by these bacteria. Vitamin K helps the blood clot, preventing excessive bleeding. I travel along to the rectum, where I’m compressed into a solid form. Then when the broken hearted girl goes to the restroom, the body will put me through final elimination. I will be eliminated through the anus and put in the sewer. Where hopefully, I will not be as lonely as the girl who ingested

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