Charnie Thatcher Quotes In The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer

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The Risks Becky Thatcher Takes

In a study with subjects, pens that were either gag shock pens or normal ones were given to average people, and when given the chance, more people took the chance with the shock pen then being safe. We take risks for a reason, though- for a reward, as shown in the book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. There may be a small chance of getting whatever we want- maybe a souvenir, the words “Yep, I did that”, or maybe just to subside our friend curiosity and figure out what it feels like- but whatever it is, us humans will take the chance. In the book, many risks are taken by the characters. Each risk help carry the story through a journey down a metaphoric river Twain has created by developing not only …show more content…

It all started with Tom capturing her attention. The idea was, once they told each other that they loved them, and kissed, they would never love someone else for the rest of their lives. “No, I’ll never love anybody but you, Tom, and I’ll never marry anybody but you- and you ain't to ever marry anybody but me, either” (51). The risk was made because Becky was convinced by Tom that he really wanted her, and that maybe he was her soulmate. A possible reward for Becky was she could really be in love with Tom, but a consequence is Tom could just be messing with her and becoming “engaged” just as a joke. Once Tom sticks up for her many times, she realizes that he is a good match for her, and her decision was made …show more content…

When Becky and Tom were at the party in the cave, they decided to have some fun of their own, and be a little irresponsible, so they leave the group to play by themselves. The risk was taken because Becky wanted to be with Tom without anybody else around in the cave. “Tom, Tom, we’re lost! We never can get out of this awful place! Oh, why did we ever leave the others!” (186). The possible reward that was in Becky’s head when she agreed to go play with Tom was they have tons of fun, and nobody could make up any rules for them. But there’s still a big risk. If they weren’t responsible enough, like they were when they made this choice, they could be late getting to the boat and left behind, or get

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