Charlotte's Web Analysis

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After reading Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White, a story of a little girl named Fern, her young friend Wilbur, and Charlotte. One of the quote from the book that triggered my interest was after Mr. Arable had given the pig to Fern, and she stated “Oh, look at him! He’s absolutely perfect.” This quote got my attention, because people look at things differently, and have different values. Mr. Arable saw Wilbur as an inconvenient pig due to his small size, so Mr. Arable wanted to rid of Wilbur before he causes trouble. However, Fern strongly believed that Mr. Arable was injustice by determining Wilbur’s fate just because of his mere figure. She believed that Wilbur’s life is just more than a pig, and should be given a chance. After several debate Mr. Arable gave in, and decided that Fern will take care of Wilbur instead and see the troubles he brings. This passage from the book is meaningful to me, because when I read this scene from the book, it’s is similar to how communities in America are approaching LBST. Everyone have different beliefs and values, so of course everyone’s going to be on different pages when it comes to LGBT rights. There are groups like Mr. Arable, who wants to rid of any …show more content…

There are many activist groups fighting for LGBT rights, and will not stop till justice is serve. Up till 2015, gay marriages were illegal in some part of the state, preventing LGBT’s to get a marriage license. With constant debates, parade, march, and grieves, the Supreme Court finally passed a low stating that a marriage license can be issued to anybody regardless of sexual orientation. This is similar to the part where Mr. Arable finally gave in to Fern’s quarrel, and gave her Wilbur. In the LGBT case, they finally have the government to overlook its system belief over thousands of years that marriage should be between the opposite sex. Those who are homosexual are victims of community’s

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