Charles Mora

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At one point there was an acceptable solution. It seems that total submission to Allah by the world had to be job one. This could not change, although through the ages there would be more moderate views that would prevail, the one primary message that holds true today is world acceptance to the will of Allah is what matters.

This message had the metal to withstand world assault through the crusades all the way to the fall of the world trade centers. There is no reason to not believe the current violence does not stem from that one objective, world submission to Allah.

Here is what seemed to be at the heart of the plan. Islam was more or less a late comer to the religious party. The Catholics and Jews had taken part in most of the action …show more content…

Mora has a place in history, although he is unaware at the moment he is being born. Birth is hard work in 1908, the infant mortality rate is 167 for every 1000 infants born. Maternity wards, drugs and obstetricians are only available in the future. Birth is just the beginning and the end for many infants in the early 1900's. Life does not become easier and hard work is expected, there is not a guarantee of health care, shelter or food. This makes Charles Mora the man he will become, hard, ambitious and ruthless.
Imam Khomeini, born on September 22 or 24th, 1902, came from an extensive line of religious scholars. The connection between Khomeini and Mora is significant, although they will never meet. This is the complicated backdrop created to hide these significant connections. God has made full use of the universal boundaries established at creation.
The average life expectancy is 47, 14 percent of homes have bath tubs, there are only 8000 cars and 144 miles of paved roads. The tallest structure in the world is the Eiffel Tower, the average wage, 22 cents an hour. The average worker made between $200 - $400 per

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