Charge Of The Light Brigade Comparison Essay

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Fighting and dying in war can sometimes be seen as an honor, but during actual battles, there is a horrific, scary side of war. Both “The Charge of the Light Brigade” written by Alfred Lord Tennyson and “Dulce et Decorum Est” written by Wilfred Owen reflect on warfare, yet the authors’ conclusions about death during war are different. Tone, imagery, and point of view in the poems are dissimilar to display the contrasting conclusions. In the first poem, Tennyson develops a tone of reverence from a third person point of view in order to convey the idea that one should honor the heroism of soldiers, while in the second poem, Owen employs graphic imagery from first person point of view in order to covey the idea that dying in battle is not honorable or heroic. …show more content…

The speaker achieves this by employing words such as glory, noble, honor, and boldly. These words have positive connotations that make the readers feel admiration for the men risking their lives and charging into battle, which conveys the message that one should honor the heroism of the soldiers. Furthermore, the way the speaker describes how the men continued to charge even when cannons “volleyed and thundered” (21) around them and “shot and shell” (22) fired at them indicates the bravery of the soldiers and makes the reader feel respect for them, which further emphasizes the message of the poem. Also, the point of view in this first poem is third person, as if the speaker is observing the battle occurring, which gives a different perspective of warfare because there is a difference between observing and participating. When observing a battle, you don’t get the full effect of the gruesomeness, so it is easier to celebrate and honor the men that

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