Characteristics of Seventeenth Century England

641 Words2 Pages

Population growth, inflation, commercialization, individual competitiveness, and social

Divergences are just some of the many words used to describe the future of England’s society during the seventeenth century. It seemed that humanities only goal was to become a business tycoon and hit the big time. These however were not words or used to describe the Puritans.

Some Puritans of this time did not like the sound of their ever nearing future and believed it was not in god’s will for these things to happen. Therefore they grouped together in order to make a new, pure model society in the area of New England in America. The Puritans simply did not agree to what was happening to their religion in their homeland so they set off for a fresh start.

Their aspirations for the New World were to create a life that would be material, but not threaten

their spiritual goals, give the rest the Puritan world a model district to live by, and to live as saintly

as possible in order to receive an all paid pass to heaven. Their aspirations to do this were met

to a fairly good extent for ...

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