Characteristics of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

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Qualitative and quantitative researcher’s exhibited conflicting ways of approaching a research. Some researchers prefer qualitative over quantitative and vice-versa. Also, it is common for qualitative and quantitative to be used together in a research. But, both methods when carried out correctly provide good research. Plus, both methods have their own unique differences and characteristics. In this paper I will define three of these characteristics in a quantitative and qualitative research design and discuss and compare their differences. (Smith & Davis, 2010)

One type of characteristics in a qualitative research is that it is carried out in a natural setting. As a consequence, when a researcher is conducting a research they are committed to spend time doing field work. This will ensure that their claims are not bias or incorrect. Furthermore, the sitting for their research is typically places similar to a board room, or a class room. Also, it is usually limited to a smaller group. As a result, it allows the research to be more personal. (Smith & Davis, 2010)

Another characteristic of qualitative research is that it is personal and contains very little scientific terminology. For example, the researchers seek to understand human issues and problems or why humans behave in a certain manner. This type of empathetic approach in a quantitative research is a very unique in characteristic. Also, in a qualitative research, researches interact with the participants or sample, this is very important because they need to observe their behavior. As a result, it causes the research to be more up close and personal. This type of approach is what makes a qualitative research unique or different from quantitative research. (Smith &...

... middle of paper ... and quantitative methods to conduct a successful research. But, both qualitative and quantitative research is based on assumptions, and both when carried out accurately provide good research.


Hughes, C. (n.d.). Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches [DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY

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Naik, A. (2010, May 4). Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research. Retrieved

June 13, 2011, from

Smith, R. & Davis, S. (2010). The Psychologist as a Detective: An Introduction to Conducting

Research in Psychology (5th ed). Pearson Education, Inc.

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