Character Analysis: The Captain Is Just Like Big Tobacco

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Candy is just like big tobacco, both candy and tobacco are products that are often featured in the media, both products can lead to health issues such as cavities and lung cancer, users of the product can grow to have an addiction whether they admit it or not. But, death tolls of candy are not close to being as high as the tobacco death toll, thus, tobacco takes the win. And thank you for smoking the film centralizes on the main character a lobbyist for big tobacco. Throughout the film, he faces challenges as he juggles his work responsibilities and his personal life. The film was hilarious it was interesting yet entertaining. The character portrayal was especially appealing . Satire, as used in the film, makes fun well using humor and exaggeration …show more content…

They have typical traits only they are highlighted and exaggerated to provoke humor. The Captain is a perfect example of a stereotypical character representing Big Tobacco. The scene begins in The Club After Nick has just gotten off the plane and his presence in the form of a voice-over enters. In a pan shot, the scene is set with rich men sitting on leather chairs while African Americans serve drinks in their waiter suites.As Nick makes his way through as he gives an overview "The captain is the last great in tobacco, he introduced filters when cigarettes first got slammed by Readers Digest. Later he founded The Academy of Tobacco the captain is a legend a self-made man who started with nothing and ended up with everything except evidently a son." in Nicks point of view shot the Captain looks up and says "Nick my boy, just in time for mud. sit down there." The Captain reveals the secret to judo to Nick and follows by telling him how he learned it from Fidel Castro. The captain asks "Do you remember 1952?" Nick responds he wasn 't alive then and the captain goes off to mention how he was in Korea shooting Chinese in that year.In a medium close up shot he states, "Today they are our best customer, next time we won 't have to shoot so many of them will we? ' Nick responds "no sir". The captain goes on to explain how "1952 was the year Reader 's Digest nailed us with the whole health aspect. The goes on and finally asks Nick, "Tell me do you enjoy your current work Nick?" he answers in a medium shot " Yes sir it 's um challenging, If you can do tobacco you can do anything." In this scene it is clear that Nick idolizes not only the whole tobacco system but really also The Captain.He is similar to Nick since both of them are pro tobacco figures and they have both aspire to keep tobacco around. Yet it is also evident that the Captain has usual characteristics that are hightened and comical

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