Chapter Summary And Analysis: The Tiny Seed

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Critical Thinking Talk Moves Opening Discussion - (5 minutes) This lesson will begin by having the students come to the back of the room and sit on the rug in front of the rocking chair. Each student will be given their test from the previous class period and should be asked to hold on to the test for future reference. Begin by engaging the students in a discussion about their answer. Teacher: “Boys and girls. Yesterday, we took a test about seeds. At the top of the paper it says, “Will the seed grow if it is planted in soil?” Some of you responded all of the seeds would grow, some of the seeds would grow, and none of the seeds would grow. I would like for you to think about the answer you put. Then turn to your neighbor and talk to them …show more content…

This book is about a tiny seed that flies through the air with many other seeds. Throughout the book, different seeds die because of the conditions they are in. As the book is being read ask the students to listen for reasons why some of the seeds were not able to grow or why some were able to grow. Discussion about the Book – (2 minutes) After the book has been read, engage students in a discussion about why some of the seeds didn’t grow and why the tiny seed ended up growing to be the biggest plant ever seen. Teacher: “Okay boys and girls. We just read the book The Tiny Seed before we began reading I asked you to listen for ways the seed was able to grow and why some of the seeds did not grow. Would someone like to tell me a reason why one of the seeds didn’t grow?” Anticipated Student Response: “Well one seed didn’t grow because it got to cold.” Teacher: “Very good. You are right! One of the seeds couldn’t grow because it got to cold.” “Does someone else remember a reason why one of the seeds didn’t grow?” “_____ said one didn’t grow because it got to cold. What was another reason?” (Adding On) Anticipated Student Response: “Well one seed couldn’t grow because it was in the dessert and seeds can’t grow in the

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