Go, Go Grapes: A Fruit Chant Summary

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At 9am the teacher started reading a book titled “Go, Go, Grapes: A Fruit Chant” by April Pulley Sayre. The students were sitting on the rug all facing the teacher. The teacher opened the book and asked the students “who knows what this is?” (pointing to a picture in the book). Many of the students called out and said cherries. The teacher started reading the book. The students begin moving around on the rug and talking to each other. The teacher then interrupts and says, “I’m waiting… still waiting” until all the children had calmed down and drew their attention back to the book. After a few pages of different fruits a student called a lime a lemon. The teacher then explains that they are different fruits and you can tell by their color. She finishes the book and asks the class “what is one example from the book you remember?” and most the students’ hands went up in the air. The teacher calls on students and they repeat a fruit they remember from the book. After all the students with their hands up are called she asks, “what is different between a fruit and a vegetable?” no student answers so she rephrases her question. “what is on the inside of fruits that are not in vegetables?”. One student calls out “seeds”. The teacher then gets a …show more content…

The teacher used the rhythm of “The Farmer in the Dell” but replaces some of the words to make it about plants. The teacher starts singing “The farmer plants the seeds; the farmer plants the seeds. Hi-ho the dairy-o the farmer plants the seeds”. Most of the students perked up and start singing the rest of the song with the teacher. The next song the class sings is to the rhythm of “I’m a Little Teapot” but the words again were replaced to make the song about spring, rain, and plants growing. During this song, every student sang along. This song included a lot about how important sun and rain is to growing

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