Chapter Four: A Conceptual Analysis

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After reading Chapter four on subjectivity and whether there is such thing as individuality and everyone being unique, the question I immediately asked myself was whether I consider myself as a unique individual and what are the reasons as to why I believe such thing. Of course I believe I am unique. I mean, why wouldn’t I? I believe no one has the same name as me. I believe no one can and will never experience the same events I have encountered in my life. I believe no one have the same combinations of human qualities instilled in me. I believe no one think and will never think the same way as I do. I believe no one’s view of who their God is to be is the same as mine even if we have the same religion. So, why wouldn’t I believe that I am unique? Of course I’m unique. Everyone in the world is unique. …show more content…

So, I asked most of my friends if they believed they are unique and why they believe that. All, but one said the most cliche way of answering the question, which was that yes, everyone is unique. Of course, that have some truth to it, but they did not answer my question. I asked them whether they believe they are unique and why. The one person who actually answered my question made this statement which I think was very well put. She said and as I quote, “Everything is unique in its variation.” This statement, I believe means is that yes, the qualities that each of us have, another person also have it, but the combinations of the qualities that everyone have is what makes each and everyone of us

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