Advantages Of Face To Face Communication

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Face-to-face communication is the means of communication in which parties engaged in the exchange of information are collocated and within each other’s view. One characteristic feature that distinguishes face-to-face communication from other channels of communication is the synchrony of time and space within which the participants engage each other. In his research, Ean (2010) found “Face-to-face communication is a conversation that one has while being face to face with the other party. This type of communication enables a person to hear and see the non-verbal communication conveyed by the sender and respond with feedback straightaway.” Arndt (2011) also stated “The face-to-face communication is the personal mode of communication in which …show more content…

It is common for staff members to perceive their direct supervisors as merely people in authority, who are only concerned with results. Such impersonal supervisor-employee relationships can be exacerbated easily by the prevalence of electronic communication channels. Face-to-face communication has certain intrinsic qualities and advantages. According to Guffey & Loewy (2015), the face-to-face communication channel occupies the highest point on the richness spectrum in comparison with other channels. “Effective face-to-face communication is a vital element in personal and organizational success” (CMI, 2010). Ean (2010) also stated the advantages of face-to-face communications in his reseach findings: … instant feedback; richness of non-verbal cues such as gestures, eye contact and tone of voice; personal focus; ease of solving problems; bridging the gap between the managers and the employees; and ability to reduce misunderstanding or misinterpretation during communication. …show more content…

The results prove that the complexity of today’s professional transactions requires the speed and convenience of communication technology. Computer-based interactions like Skype, email, instant messaging, and Chartrooms have brought us closer than ever, and the lines that separate us geographically have been rendered almost imaginary by the advent of information technology. Yet, there is widespread evidence that face to face is more valuable than computer-moderated communication channels in building positive supervisor-employee

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