Certainly one the best nation of the World

605 Words2 Pages

To begin with, this country is one of the best of the world, the best of its nature, is one the most prosperous countries in the world. In US there freedom of speech which a lot of people and immigrants appreciate how well designed this system is. People keep come to this nation to have better life, certainly not happening in other nation that they were before. A lot of don’t have this system called freedom of speech if you get caught telling ideas about the government could get you arrested. Socialism known as, because they have a way of thinking called “Communism”, because of that the President can take on your life, and many of the people sadly disagree and they have to leave their nation and their families behind, are not trapped or in jail because they said something about their government, so they come to this nation for an Improved life for an opportunity of a well-paid job, for a better education, for a brand new opportunity to live the freedom of America. In the other side on hand, people in the nation are obligated to leave their nation because can’t articu...

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