Cell Phones Are Harmful To Society

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Cell phones are harmful to society because, they can put people in some dangerous situations and teens have become addicted to them cause health issues. Cell phone have been at at the hands of humans since 1973 (45 years). When using a cell phone no one seems to recall the dangers that are behind them. Stressful situations have occured at school work and even at home for teens do to there addiction to cell phones. Many people don't realize just how many lives are lost because of cell phones. Last year alone 330,000 people died due to car accidents alone that doesn't even include the health issues that phones cause. 1.6 million crashes have occured because drivers are on there phones while driving. Drivers are now not only having to worry about …show more content…

Have you ever seen a child lose there phone or get it taken away? They throw the biggest fit right? They believe that life does not exist without cell phone. Once teens get a phone and social media then playing outside, human interaction, exercise goes out the window. Next they have problems focusing in school because they are always on the phone. Why? They feel the need to be on social media or Netflix rather than get an education to me that is sad but true cause i do it to. Another thing is thatr having a cell phone will tempt teens to spend all day talking or texting, instead of doing anything productive. Studies have proven that teens who spend too much of their time with their cell phones are more prone to stress and fatigue. It can also lead to psychological disorders in some cases. Most of the teens keep their cell phones nearby while sleeping to respond to texts and calls. They feel pressured to remain reachable around the clock. It leads to sleep interruption and disruption. Teens also become irritable when they are sleep deprived. For instance, my girlfriends brother is fourteen and is not allowed to have his phone at night because he will not sleep if he has it with

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