Cause And Effect Essay On Raiders

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On the night of 17 August 1942, two thousand miles southwest of Hawaii, the Raiders surfaced in the middle of a tropical storm. The heavy rain and high sea states frustrated the Raiders as they made their way up to the main deck of the submarine to pull and build their inflatable rubber boats which were in the storage locker on deck. The Raiders had difficulty timing their jumps from the submarine to the rubber boats resulting in many falling in. Additionally, due to a faulty design of the spark plugs in the outboard motors, the Marines paddled to shore. Eventually, at 0430, just before civil twilight , the Raiders made landfall. Carlson’s original plan was for A and B companies to land on different beaches, but due to the heavy weather he …show more content…

Once the Japanese realized the Raiders overwhelming abilities were crushing them, they attempted two Banzai Charges . Most of the Japanese were killed in this action. Around the afternoon as the battle began to subside, the Japanese attempted to land reinforcements via seaplanes. The Marines forced one to crash and the other to ignite from viscous machine gun fire. Moreover, the Japanese also attempted to send two small ships into the lagoon which the submarines sunk using their deck guns. Although the Raiders did not realize it, they almost destroyed all of the entire Japanese forces. The Raiders also gained valuable resources by gaining favor with the local Makin inhabitants. It is through this relationship they were able to gain much needed intelligence on enemy positions. As the Raiders mission was complete, orders for departure were passed, readying the rubber boats. Unbeknownst to the Raiders, the surf began to become incredibly difficult to navigate. The engines on the boats still did not work, forcing the men to paddle. Already exhausted from the ensuing battle the Raiders quickly became at a …show more content…

But I believe these gallant men who so eagerly, so willingly, went forth to meet the enemy would not have us weep and bemoan their passing. … They believed that if this country of ours is to be saved, the job of saving it belongs to those who enjoy the benefits of our institutions. They didn’t ask someone else to perform the task for them. They went out to do it themselves to the supreme heights of human achievement. Rather than have us weep over this achievement, I believe they would have us rejoice with them at the example of courage, of fortitude, and of nobility of character they have set for us. … We salute you as comrades. We salute you as Raiders, as Marines, as Americans, as men. God bless

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