Parallelism In General Douglas Macarthur's Speech

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In this part of the speech, General Douglas MacArthur uses parallelism to arise a dramatically strong feeling from the audience. With Parallelism, he can effectively emphasize his point and to make them more memorable as he go through his speech. To let people to understand how much the soldiers had devoted their life to their loving country and to give tribute to the great American soldiers. In this part of the speech, General MacArthur describes the things that unbelievers will teach them. When someone does not have hope in you, they would downgrade you and see you as weak. However with these downgrades, great American soldiers weren't beaten down, but instead make them as unbendingly more strong, make them braver to face their fear. Here, …show more content…

To answer some common question that are ask by the people who do not understand the soldiers. He presupposed that everybody knows the story, in which is not really possible and cannot be proven by any facts or evidence. General Douglas MacArthur uses pathos in his speech. To give gratitude to the soldiers have been fighting beside him and to those who has devoted their life on the battlefield, he told the audience how some of his brothers died uncomplaining with honor and glory in their hearts. Such words have the ability to arise American's appreciation along with sympathy. How some people will devote their life for the love of their country is, indeed, something that is truly affecting. General Douglas MacArthur at the end of the speech, in order to again arose the feeling from the audience uses pathos. To get audience feel how the battlefield full of gunshots and how they felt living on a battlefield in which they can just die instantly with one wrong move. MacArthur starts the sentence with, " In my dreams, " telling audience these soldiers sleep traumatic in their nightmares. With this, audience can understand how much these soldiers had devoted themselves to their country and may as well want to do the same to be a loyal

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