Cause And Effect Essay On Concussions

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Hey, sports injuries are becoming a major problem in the world today. It is so bad, that parents, and coaches won’t even let their own kids play sports, because of the rise in injuries. What injury has the most concerned? Well, that injury of course would have to be brain injuries, or more commonly known as concussions. The rise in concussions has parents, and coaches most concerned, because of the long term effect on a person. So, with the rise in injuries, mostly concussions more, and more kids are not getting to experience some get things. Concussions are so much of a topic now a days that there is a movie being made about. This moving is a based on a true story of a real National Football League player, and the doctor who diagnosed him. …show more content…

Concussions can have many short, and long term effect. The most common effect that will be focused on in this essay is whether, or not concussions have an impact on a person’s ability to learn. Those research, it could be determined that concussions due in fact have an impact on learning. Concussions have an impact on learning in many ways. But, what are the reasons why concussions have so much of impact on a person. The first part of this essay will focus on the lack guidance, and safety equipment. Finally, the second half of the essay will shift to what diseases can happen, and how they can affect a person’s ability to …show more content…

The lack of safety equipment are causing more, and more kids having to suffer concussions. Enough studies have shown that the equipment in sports today is not up to the standards necessary to help prevent injuries the way that they should. Since the safety equipment isn’t up to the level it should be it causes parents to withdrawal their kids more playing that sports. Let’s take a look at a study that was done on the injuries of high school players, due to the equipment that they were using. This study was performed by the American Journal of Sports Medicine. The study performed focused on the protective equipment, and the player’s characteristics after a sports related concussion (McGuine). One result showed that if a player wore a custom mouth guard than the chances of sports related concussions rose (McGuine). However, it also showed that no matter what brand of helmet was worn by a player the impact of sports related concussions was similar

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