Causal Analysis Thesis Statement

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Journal 7 “Causal Analysis” When writing a causal analysis paper you will be writing about everyday causes and effects. When you are instructed to write and causal analysis essay, your instructor wants you to evaluate a cause and effect situation. For example, you may write about the causes of the “Watts riots” or the reason that lead to an outcome of the riots. Once you have your idea or topic you need to put your thoughts in the correct format. Your thesis statement is usually one or two sentences in which you detail the point of your essay. Research and develop of your essay/thesis before you begin writing because this statement will help guide the outline of your paper. When writing a causal analysis essay your thesis statement will need to include the causes and effects you are writing about. All essay begins with an introduction and a paragraph or two that allows you to set up the storyline. For example, you are writing about the effects of the “Watts Riots” you may want to begin by stating the reason what cause the riots. This should open the reader interest, the introduction should contain …show more content…

This main part of the essay will contain thoughts that help prove your thesis statement. If you are only writing the causes or the effects of the topic, the body of your essay will contain two or three ideals to display your thesis statements. When you are writing about the cause and effects of a subject, you will look at each element/statements separately. Explain the cause of the topic and give the reader details and examples. The next section will then explore the effects of these causes. If a person is writing about the “Watts Riots” after giving your reasons, you will want to show how this choice directly impact society. Be sure you don’t leave out information or steps that could confuse the reader, the goal is to help the reader understand the position you have taken in this

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