Cathedral Essay

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In life, we feel the only way we can see things is with our eyes. There are many more ways in which we can experience life. We all have different senses that help us see things. At times other people are what help us to realize that we should always appreciate the little things in life; we sometimes take things for granted. Until we see things differently is when we start to understand things in a different way. In the short story “Cathedral” the narrator is a dynamic character; they undergo change throughout the story, his perspective about how he views life, and not just physically evolve into something deeper. The narrator in the short story “Cathedral” seems to be someone who is close minded; he doesn't give the time to see things with …show more content…

We all experience things differently, it's just in us and how we want to experience it. We shouldn’t let ourselves be blinded by our ignorance and not wanting to educate ourselves. “My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies, the blind move slowly and never laugh” (Carver, 3). His personality really shows in this quote the way he views life experiences is by movies, but from real life experiences. The narrator’s wife has a friend who is blind and is coming to visit, but he isn’t so happy about it. He doesn’t want to be sympathetic to Robert, or wants to educate himself about the obstacles Robert truly has to face. The narrator isn’t willing to consider different ideas about what it really is like to be blind. He thinks the blind people are never happy and can’t enjoy the things we all do. He was also someone who was judgmental, and didn’t give a chance to get to know Robert. We shouldn’t jump to judging someone we don’t know. The narrator was stereotypical when it came to the blindman. “I’d always thought dark glasses were a must for the blind. Fact is, I wish he had a pair.” (Carver, 1). This was the narrator's initial thought when he first saw

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