Category 1 Responders Essay

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Within the United Kingdom there are two categories that are often involved in major incidents. Category one responders are the emergency services which are also known as the ‘core responders’; category one responders consist of the Police, Fire and Ambulance and other emergency services. These responder’s main priority is to deal with the immediate consequence of the incident; they are there for short term as category two help support and repair the community and environment in long term. The category two responders for major incidents are known as ‘supporting responders’, they often support with long term assistance as they provide utilities such as electricity and gas distributers, water and sewage providers as well as telephone services …show more content…

This act determines how each public service responds to different types of major incidences. To start with, the act defines an emergency as ‘an event or situation which threatens serious damage to human welfare in a place in the United Kingdom’. The act is then split into two parts; part one of the act requires category one responders to carry out risk assessments, planning, exercise for emergencies and undertaking business continuity management. Category one are also responsible for informing and warning members of the public about emergencies as well as providing business continuity advice for local businesses. Part one also places a legal obligation between the public services (category 1) and supporting responders (category 2) for increased co-operation and communication about the emergency. The second part of the act is known as Emergency Powers, this part of the act allows the making of temporary special legislation for the emergency services to help them deal with different levels of major incidents; the second part of the act is only used as last resort. Introducing this act has also increased the funding for emergency planning throughout the United

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