Catabolism And Metabolism

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The human body is made of cells, which means that if the cells die, the human dies. Metabolism keeps the cells and thus the body alive and functioning properly and can be divided into two parts: catabolism and anabolism. Catabolism breaks down molecules in order to gain energy while anabolism synthesizes everything that the cells need. During catabolism, chemical energy such as ATP is released. The energy released during catabolism is released in three phases. During the first phase, large molecules are broken down. These include molecules such as proteins, polysaccharides, and lipids. These molecules are converted into amino acids and carbohydrates are converted into different types of sugar. The lipids are broken down into fatty acids …show more content…

Anabolism builds up molecules similar to what can be found in food. It builds up, for example, carbohydrates and proteins. Like catabolism, anabolism also occurs in three stages. The first stage of anabolism creates the parts needed to create the molecules. During the first stage of anabolism, the body produces amino acids, monosaccharides, isoprenoids, and nucleotides. These products of anabolism are then used to further produce more molecules that the body actually uses. This first stage is the beginning step of the process and is just as important as the rest of the process. Without the building blocks, the rest of anabolism, and the rest of metabolism, for that matter, couldn’t function. So, the first stage of creating substances such as amino acids, monosaccharides, isoprenoids, and nucleotides is extremely important. During the second stage of anabolism, the products created in stage one are activated into reactive forms. This occurs so that the third stage of anabolism is possible. The activation of these substances occurs with the energy of ATP. This second stage allows for the substances to be made ready to be used in the third stage, which actually provides the body with

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