Cat Persuasive Speech

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Let’s address the elephant in the room. We need a cat. That’s right. Need, not want. It’s a known fact that when a cat starts purring it is the most comforting sound in the world. If you say that we can listen to Leo purr we can’t. Sadly he lives in Maine for most of the year. If we get the kitten, she and Leo will be able to entertain each other when they are both in the house. If we are not home, when we open the door, the Toyger breed will run right to the door. Remind you of a certain cat? Along with this familiar trait, Toyger cats are extremely smart and can be well trained. If we want to go on a family walk, then we can just slap a harness and a leash and bring her along with us. Also, we can train her to do tricks or even poop on the toilet. …show more content…

Speaking poop, we have like 10 thousand cat boxes so we are cleared in that department. As cats age, they become more and more relaxed. The average age of a Toyger cat is 15 years old. Therefore the she will be dead before you are so you won’t be 80 years old and taking care of a cat. Another positive point would be that by the time I leave for college the kitten would have already turned into cat so you won’t have to deal with the kitten stages alone. The difference between a good cat and Leo is the cuddle factor. The Toyger Breed is extremely loyal so they will love and cuddle you. The kitten can give emotional support for something crappy that happened at work or school. If we are sick with the flu or just some seasonal allergies, cats can help us develop a strong immune system. When one of us is sick, we can be comforted by the silky smooth coat of the Toyger cat. One health concern would be a heart murmur but we dealt with that for 16 years. “...nail trimming, which should be done once a week. Also important is to keep their teeth clean by frequent brushing.” (“Facts about Toyger

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