Casa Hogar Sion Research Paper

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Casa Hogar Sion (previously called El Faro) is an orphanage located in Tijuana, Mexico. It was opened in 1999 by Carmen and Jorge Lopez. The orphanage is a home to 120 children ranging from ages two months to 18 years old. My topic is mainly to raise awareness and funds to help out the orphanage. Throughout the year, I carried out different ways that I could do this. I had researched about the orphanage in the beginning of my project and contacted a member to let them know of the project. I chose to this project, because I was inspired by my teacher’s experience when he had gone to visit the orphanage. I wanted to inspire and help the children that he had spoke so fondly of. I have always wanted to do something that would benefit others and …show more content…

I am raising funds and awareness for an orphanage in Mexico. I am hoping to make a positive impact on the lives of the children in “Casa Hogar Sion” and encourage others to be the change they want to see in this world. My project fits well with the theme of Community and Service, because I accomplished different ways of raising awareness as well as funds for the orphanage. I encouraged others to help by sending out letters to ask for donations to different stores, as well as getting students in my school to donate clothes that are still wearable. I had sent a letter to a rotary club in my town, and I was delighted to get an email from them a couple of days …show more content…

The rough draft for my letter was full of mistakes, which my teacher had told me to fix. My letter was revised a couple of times before it was finalized and I was grateful when it was finally finished. I sent my letters to a couple of stores, however I did not receive an email back. The principal had handed it out to a rotary club in town and I received an email back from them a couple of days later, which I was thankful for. The rotary club had invited me to one of their weekly meetings to discuss more about my project and to talk about ways that they could help. On February 17, I delivered a presentation to the rotary club at a nearby restaurant. I was extremely nervous as it was the first time that I experienced such thing, however, I did not do as bad as I thought I

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