Can Failure Lead To Success Research Paper

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Can failure lead to success? Arianna Huffington, co-founder of Huffington Post, once said, “Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.” Experiencing failure gives a sense of drive to achieve.Through this, many learn to turn unpleasant situations into moments of achievement. Therefore, failure leads to success.
My personal experiences have led me to understand the significance of failure. For example, this past year I was in Math 3 Honors. Being a straight A student, I made a B. Of course this caused me to be irate, but it also pushed me to strive for a better grade. I went on to the next semester to make an A. Although I still finished the class with a high B average, it taught me that I just can’t be lazy about the work. …show more content…

Michael Jeffrey Jordan known as Black Cat, MJ, Air Jordan, and one of the most significant basketball players of all time, did not make his high school varsity team his sophomore year at Emsley A. Laney High School in Wilmington, North Carolina. Michael Jordan’s failures brought him to the biggest success of his life. Now, as he has became the greatest player in the NBA of all time one would think he could make the high school varsity team. When I personally met him he had a positive sense of confidence talking about how through his failures he has now became what he is today. Through this he learned to push himself to his potential. Now, as the greatest basketball player of all time, he shows success from his previous failure. Michael Jordan retired from NBA in 1993 to then go on and pursue a baseball career. He signed to a team known as the Chicago White Soxs on April 8,1994. His full time baseball career came to a speedy end in March of 1995 to then go back to play in the NBA with the Chicago Bulls. Michael Jordan stated in regards to his failed baseball career and previous challenging experiences, “ I’ve failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” Through his victory’s, he has had to face failures to become what he is

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