Campylobacter Species Kills Infants with Cholera Infantum

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1. Introduction

The Campylobacter species observed in 1886 from Theodor Escherich in the colonic mucus of infants who had died of “cholera infantum,” but they could not be cultured. (Miliotis & Bier 2003) Mc Fadyean and Stockman in 1909 first isolated Campylobacter fetus from aborted sheep fetuses. (Miliotis & Bier 2003) After that observed that the Campylobacter which called (Vibrio fetusovid), caused septic abortion in cattle. (Miliotis & Bier 2003) This pathogen bacterium starts to create problems dysentery in the cattle.( Miliotis & Bier 2003) In 1957 the King examined people which have bloody diarrhea the reason for the disease is the Campylobacter species. (Miliotis & Bier 2003)The species of Campylobacter are Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli, Campylobacter lari and Campylobacter fetus. (Miliotis & Bier 2003) The campyloCbacter is Gram-negative thin; (Siegrist 2014) Gram-negative bacteria are bacteria that do not retain the crystal violet dye in the Gram stain protocol. (Miliotis & Bier 2003) Gram-negative bacteria will thus appear red or pink following a Gram stain procedure due to the effects of the counter stain. (Miliotis & Bier 2003) The shape has the Campylobacter is curved and motile rod like S or spiral. (Siegrist 2014) Finally the Campylobacter has single polar flagella at one or both ends and they exhibit a rapid darting motion (Siegrist 2014), like picture1.

Picture 1: Campylobacter shape (Lawley 2013)

2. Main Body

a. Characteristic of growth and where it is found

Campylobacter bacteria are found in all kinds of places, including the intestinal tracts of animals, including cats and dogs as well as poultry, cattle, pigs and other animals. (Alfaro 2014) The animals which have this bac...

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...the bacteria killed. (Clark 2005) Continuously something which the most of the people do wrong is defrost meat and poultry in the room temperature, they left the food above two hours and the bacteria have the temperature and the time to growth, always the defrost must become to the refrigerator or microwave. (Clark 2005) Also something important for the protection of Campylobacter is the washing of fruits and vegetables. (Clark 2005) It is important because the fruits and vegetables don’t cook and the people consume these raw. (Clark 2005) Some other things of protection are the careful contact with animals and hand washing. (Clark 2005) In my opinion the Campylobacter species is a serious bacterium and the people must be protecting better. They have to know what really happen with the position of food because the years have changed and not everything is as old.

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