Call Of Duty Impact On Society

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The Impact of Call of Duty The Call of Duty franchise has brought many different changes in my life for the better. Call of Duty has introduced me to my best of friends to this today. Call of Duty made all of the difference in my life being one of the biggest factors in my life. Without Call of Duty I would not be the same person I am today. Summer of 2010 started the forging of friendship with my best friend throughout high school and still to this day. The grind was real, and it was on the best Call of Duty game of all "Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2". As teenagers we replicated the stereotypical teenagers playing any first person shooter, the teenagers who talked smack the whole time no matter how the kills were achieved or how good our score was. We were the kids who personified the term "noob tuber", making every lobby rage with frustration as we both just laughed enjoying every second. This experience brought me closer with him and we still continue on playing Call of Duty to this day but acting as mature young adults instead of teenagers. Our friendship based off of playing Call of Duty would withstand high school and proceed to rooming with each other in college. …show more content…

This friend if you did not know him inside of the things he loved could be deemed as the most quite kid in school. Finding local kids to play Call of Duty with was slightly hard being the population peaking around 9,000, we somehow found ourselves in the same lobby somehow through shared connections and started conversing and playing together. We then kept playing together and soon found ourselves hanging out becoming best of friends. To this day we are still best friends continuing playing Call of Duty and hanging out with each other. To think Call of Duty helped bring one to be deemed as one of the most quite kids in school to my best friend is

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