Analysis Of Call Of Duty: Black Ops

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“Call of Duty: Black Ops” was developed by the American video game company Treyarch, and published by the video game publisher Activision. Call of Duty: Black Ops, a first person shooter video game, was released worldwide on November of 2010 and became the seventh installment of the Call of Duty series. All the gamer and Call of Duty fans hoped this game would be as amazing as the previous Call of Duty games. According to Mike Snider from USA Today, “Treyarch 's mission is to match the firepower of megahits Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2.” Treyarch managed to create an incredible game that surpass the sales of previous Call of Duty. According to the reports of Mike Snider, “Its five-day sales of more than $650 million blasted by last year 's mark of $550 million set by Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.” All this sales were due to the fact that this game included a unique story mode, an intense zombie mode, and amazing graphics. The story mode in Black Ops is one of the most unique story in any Call of Duty game because the story is based on memories and flashbacks of the main character. …show more content…

The graphics of this are amazing compare to the previous Call of Duty games. In the story mode the characters have a more realistic look compare to previous games and some games that came out in the same year. The amazing graphics of this game made the player have a different experience playing the game. For example, in a mission were the main character had to dive underwater the water has a bright blue color and as the player keeps diving down the water starts going from a bright blue to a dark blue. The fish in the water have excellent details that almost look like the player is the one swimming. Treyarch also did an excellent job in the designs of the guns. When the guns are fire a bright orange spark comes out of the tip of the gun, but that was only on some of the most powerful

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