Cahokia Research Paper

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Throughout North America there are many different archeological sites, many formed at different time periods by different tribes, though there is one that stands out among the rest of the sites, Cahokia. Cahokia stands out for many different unique reasons, one of which being that it happens to be the largest archeological site that is north of central Mexico. There are many other unique features about this site that help it stand out in addition to its size. Cahokia happens to be one of the eight different world heritage sites that can be found within America. The Cahokia mounds can be located in southern Illinois, directly across the Mississippi River from St. Louis which had itself once been a city in which had been covered with these …show more content…

Woodhenge is a circle of wooden posts that had been put into the ground, forming what is believed to be a calendar. Some people believe that this solar calendar was formed to possibly help the people of Cahokia with knowing when to plant and harvest their crops that they grew. (Hurst, 1994) There is evidence that these large wooden stakes had been replaced multiple times which could be evidence that there could have been some sort of conflict that took place in Cahokia that had lead to the destruction of Woodhenge at some point in the history of the …show more content…

Even the original name for the city still remains unknown to this day. The city had been given the name Cahokia after the Cahokia tribe, which had settled in the city after the original inhibitors had left it abandoned. The original people who had decided to settle in the area now known as Cahokia were farmers. Farmers who were able to create a surplus of food, which would help promote them in the social rankings of what at the time was the beginning of

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