Buzzfed Persuasive Essay 200 Words

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Salutations to the BuzzFeed member reading this! I’m Gelaine (“Gee-lane” because everyone pronounces it incorrectly) from a city near San Francisco. My friend, Khanh, and I are huge fans of BuzzFeed. We watch every video from each channel and read almost all of the articles. I am not ashamed one bit to admit that Buzzfeed is the topic of most of our conversations. “Have you read that article about...?” “Did you see that video where...?” “Oh, my gosh! Remember in that scene when...?” These questions are usually the first things that come out of our mouths whenever we see each other. I could go on for an eternity describing our passion for the company’s creations, but I don’t want to waste your time with my rambling. Getting to the point, I contacted you today because Khanh’s birthday is approaching and this may be, depending on which high schools we choose to attend, the last birthday spent together. …show more content…

The Try Guys, without a doubt, is our favorite series of all time. Ned, Zach, Keith, and Eugene are the funniest group out there and they make us laugh constantly. It would be the greatest thing in the world if it wasn’t too much of a burden to receive all of their signatures. If you can only get one signature, I would be very grateful if it was Eugene’s. I assume the reason why we gravitate towards Eugene is due to the fact that he is Asian, and it is easier to connect with him. Though, if you cannot collect their signatures for any reason, that is fine. Disappointing, but fine.

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