Bullets: A Short Story

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Bullets were flying by. The abandoned house was being shredded by the bullets. Me and my partner were behind a big metal pipe. All I could hear was loud explosions of guns and as the noise died out and it sounded like he had left the building, my partner peaked out and got shot right in the chest.

I am so hungry. It’s 5:32 am right now and and I haven't eaten since I got up at 4:00. Maybe I’ll stop by at a donut shop and pick up a cup of coffee and some donuts. My partner has the day off today so I have to camp out here and be lonely on the side of the street. It's dark out on the road except for the occasional street light. Every now and then I see a car drive by. It's pretty deserted out here. There has been no calls on the walks talky …show more content…

Later that day I heated up some dinner and filled out some paperwork. It's lonely at my house, I have no one here to talk to. I go to bed around 7:30 pm and get up at like 4:00 am. I like my job it gives me things to do and it gives me action, it's not so boring sometime. The next morning I woke up and drove over to work. For breakfast I got a coffee and a breakfast burrito. When I arrived at my office I looked at my email and it was filled with reports of several missing kids. My partner was at work today and I went over to talk to him. He said that he got reports of them too. So I went to go over to look for that house down the road from the gas station because maybe it had some hints of kids being somewhere. Also maybe I can find the guy that stole the money from the cash register. After about an hour of walking around in the woods, I finally found it. It was an old worn down house with bars in the windows, cracks in the walls, and a broken front …show more content…

He pulled his gun out and shot about three bullets at the wall. The wall was thin so the bullets tore right through it. My partner had showed up and he broke open part of the wooden wall behind the house with the back of his gun. That caused a distraction for me and the guy shot at my partner. Luckily he missed and my partner came running around the house and met up with me behind the wall. We both were shooting at him and then we realized he could shoot us through the wall. We quickly got up and ran outside to a broken metal pipe in front of the house in the woods. He was reloading while we were running so we didn't get hurt. The man took cover behind a wall next to the front door. Me and my partner went back at it again shooting the guy trying to hit him in the leg so we could bring him in. He was shooting back at us. The sound of guns firing and bullets flying by sounded like a war of hundreds of men. Me and my partner reloaded our pistols and leaned back on the pipe. The sound of guns firing was gone now and it was completely silent. My partner peaked out and he got shot right in the

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