Building of the Iron Bridge and Its Impact on the Surrounding Area

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Building of the Iron Bridge and Its Impact on the Surrounding Area The Iron Bridge first constructed in 1779 and completed in 1781 was built for many reasons. The most important reasons being the terrible weather conditions and the frequent flooding of the river Severn, sometime the water levels reaching extreme heights, also an increase in industry in that area. Before the bridge was built ferries were used to ship goods across the river but during winter months and spring the river was inaccessible. The nearest bridge was over a mile away in the adjacent town. People were not happy with the ferries as Shadrax Fox experienced "The journey normally was no more than a ten minute episode but we were pushed hither and thither by the wind tossed waves. I clung to the sides as the little vessel was swept downstream… after a full three quarters of an hour we reached the shore" - Shadrax Fox, 1704 Some people were not so lucky as Shadrax Fox and on the night of 22nd October 1799, 27 people drowned when the ferry overturned. The decision to build a bridge came in 1775 when a group of people interested in building a bridge decided to buy shares in the bridge. Since Abraham Darby III had bought the most shares it seems appropriate for him to build it with the help of designer Thomas Farnolls Pritchard. Since Abraham Darby was already involved in the Iron Industry it was an obvious thing for him to build the bridge out of metal, saving time and money. The bridge was built at the narrowest point of the river also saving time and money and as there was no technology for a suspension bridge it was an arch bridge.

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