Bud Light Essay

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Bud Light has long been hailed as the king of beers, but it currently faces many problems. The beer market as a whole has been suffering for the past decade, which has led to a decrease in sales for Bud Light. Furthermore, within the beer market many consumers are moving ways from mass-marketed beers to more craft brews or homebrews. In order to solve this problem, this report will first examine current trends in the beer industry. After this is an analysis of the current market to whom Bud Light sales, followed by a look at the advertising techniques used to gain this market share. Finally, the report identifies a new potential market and provides an examination of advertising techniques and methods that most effectively appeal to this market.

Since target markets tend to change over time, this report focuses on Bud Light’s target market for the past ten years. Advertising and data with respect to this market will be limited to this time period. Additionally, current …show more content…

By marketing to them at a younger age, Anheuser-Busch hopes to instill some level of brand loyalty, so they will continue to buy Bud Light in the long-tem. However, Millennials tend to be more adventurous than previous generations, leading them to seek out variety – part of the reason that many Millennials are moving away from national beer brands to wine, liquor, and microbrews (Jones). Anheuser-Busch has attempted to combat this shift by introducing a number of Bud Light product line extensions. In 2012, Anheuser-Busch introduced Bud Light Platinum, a premium version of Bud Light that contains more alcohol by volume. Anheuser-Busch followed Bud Light Platinum with the release of Bud Light Lime-a-Rita, a margarita-inspired beverage. Bud Light Lime-a-Rita especially enjoyed success; several additional flavor varieties were released, and trademarks have been filed for the potential release of more new flavors

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