British Invasion

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The invasion of the British into India is an important historic event in India's history. In 1498 when Vasco de Gama from Portugal visited the Indian subcontinent, he established trade links and brought goods from India to Europe. Throughout the 16th century, reports of the wealth of India encouraged Britain to compete with Portugal for India's trade. In the 17th century, the British established several trading posts in India. Both countries profited from the exchange of goods. However, the situation changed suddenly, during the 18th century. Regional rivalries erupted all over India. Fearful of losing their commercial agreements, Britain formed an alliance with India. By the mid-eighteenth century, Robert Clive (a military leader) helped to form Britain's empire in India. For the next 100 years, Britain steadily extended its influence, and by the middle of the 19th century, it had firm control over nearly the entire Indian subcontinent.
The term “British India” refers to the region on the subcontinent that was under direct British control. Soon after the British had invade...

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