Britain's Joining of the the EEC in 1973

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Britain's Joining of the the EEC in 1973

The EEC's description is as an economic customs union, in a

supranational political structure. In 1951 the 'Six' first established

their European unity by signing the Treaty of Paris, which was the

beginning of the European Coal and Steel Community. The ECSC followed

a Plan by French Foreign Minister Robert Schumen, which arranged the

ECSC as the institution for the European coal and steel industries.

The EEC was the result of talks started at Messina, then finalised

when the Treaty of Rome was signed by the 'Six' in 1957. Britain was

not present at the talks at Messina, or for the signing of the Treaty

of Paris or the Treaty of Rome. This meant that Britain had not got

involved in the EEC when it was established, meaning it would be

harder to get involved later. A phrase applied to this lack of

involvement from the start, is "missed the bus" into Europe. A

conservative MP, Anthony Nutting, wrote in his book Europe Will Not

Wait (1964) that he believed that by "missing the bus" Britain had

been left far behind, loosing the chance to take a role of leadership

in Europe, from there it could have moulded Europe to suit itself.

Also he explained that if Britain had realised it would have had to

join in the future anyway, there could have been more involvement in

the talks in Messina, and the Rome Treaty, which would have meant an

early membership to the EEC and not a late one in 1957.

There are reasons why Britain 'missed the bus', and there are also

reasons that prove that Britain did not 'miss the bus' but didn't want

to or need to get the 'bus'. These reasons affect the absence of


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...was accused of not

being pro-European enough, by having to divide its attention between

the Commonwealth countries and its Special Relationship with America

Britain could give little attention to the EEC or Europe. The last

factor of De Gaulle meant that Britain did not gain membership until

De Gaulle had retired. De Gaulle vetoed Britain's applications,

accusing of not being pro-European enough, this may have been because

he wished France to remain the leader of Europe with no competition

from Britain. Also he had plans of Europe becoming a 'Third Force'

independent from American influences, Britain would have joined the

EEC meaning America could influence Britain who would in turn

influence the other European countries.

Britain finally obtained membership to the EEC in 1973, with the

French President's support.

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