Bright Morning In Arizona's Sing Down The Moon

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have you ever wondered why it would be like to be Bright Morning? Well Bright Morning had to face different obstacles in her life. I think that everyone should believe in themselves because nothing is possible. In this book report you are going to learn about the main character, settings, the Long Walk, and more. Bright Morning is the main character in this book, Sing Down The Moon. She lives in the Mesa Canyon with her mother, father, her sister, and her mothers sheep. Running Bird is a really good friend of Bright Morning. Tall Boy is the leader of the Navajo. Running Bird and Tall Boy went along the way with Bright Morning in this crazy adventure. Spaniards had taken Bright Morning. The Spaniards sold Bright Morning to …show more content…

At the end Bright Morning said she, saw sheep, she saw sheep because she wanted to. Bright Morning had a tenacious attitude, that what gave her so much hope. I liked how in the book Bright Morning didn't lose hope. From this book I've learned to never give up and always have hope. My favorite part of the book was when Tall Boy and Bright Morning escaped from the soldiers. I felt bad for Bright Morning and Running Bird got taken by the Spaniards. I thought the book was very interesting, it gave me the experience to learn about the Navajo culture. The soldiers forced the Navajo to walk to Bosque Redondo. 1,500 Navajos died during the Long Walk some from disease. The Long Walk was a 300 mile journey. Navajo's homeland was Arizona but the soldiers forced them to walk and live in Bosque Redondo. Native Americans went through so much things to getting their, houses burnt down, getting diseases, and more. Bright Morning had to face getting taken to be a slave, and being forced to go on the Long Walk still she did not lose hope. I believe you should keep going even when life brings you down. I like the book, i thought it kept me interested from beginning to end. So when ever life tries to bring you down remember just be

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