Brief Summary Of The Book 'The Outsiders'

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The outsiders is a novel filled with excitement bravery and twists. There were seven main characters in the book. Every character has special traits, once something happens to one they will all chip in to help. This is emphasizing that though they are all very different in personality, they do have one thing in common, loyalty. If one goes down the others will follow, none want to see the other hurt. The point of view of the story is told from is a charter names Ponyboy or Pony for short. Pony is full of courage loyalty and ambition. He is considered a greaser, though he gets great grades and is a star track runner. The people he hangs out with will drag him into the greasers group. When someone has an issue he will try to help. “I did not pay any attention, although pieces of the old roof were crashing down too close for comfort.”(93 S.E Hilton). When the church caught fire he could have just let the kids die or get burnt to death but he didn't. He kept going he could have gotten himself killed but he only wanted to save the children. …show more content…

That kid in this story was Jonny. A few years back Jonny had been jumped and hurt badly by the socs. Even though he is now small and quiet, we found out he has just as much courage as any other. He's just as loyal and brave as the other socs. “He was sitting next to me, one elbow on his knee, and staring straight ahead. He was a strange greenish-white color and his eyes huger than I had ever seen them before”.(56 S.E Hilton) Jonny would do anything for his friends and that includes killing a man. One of the socs was hurting Pony so Pony took it to an extreme and stabbed him, with the knife in his back pocket. Jonny is little but mighty, it took everything he had to defend himself and in the end his courage got him

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