Brief Summary Of Longshanks '

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the year 1280, King Edward also known as In “Longshanks" invades Scotland after Alexander III of Scotland died, left no heir and is conquered by England. A Young William Wallace bears witnesses to Longshanks' betrayal, William survives both the deaths of his brother and father, and then taken on a pilgrimage through Europe by his Uncle Argyle, where he becomes educated. As years pass, Longshanks gives his nobles land and grants privileges in Scotland, including the right to take a mans wife as his own. At the same time, an older Wallace arrives in Scotland runs into childhood friend Murron MacClannough who he falls in love with and then marries in secret. English soldiers attempt to rape Murron and Wallace saves her, in a second attempt becomes captured and is executed publically. Trying to gain vengeance, Wallace guides his men to exterminate the English in his hometown. …show more content…

Wallace fights the English as his tale spreads hundreds of Scottish from the other clans join the fight. Wallace brings his army to a victory in the Battle of Stirling Bridge then obliterates York city, kills Longshanks' nephew and sends his beheaded head to the king. Wallace asks Robert the Bruce for his assistance, the son of the noble Robert the Elder and a runner for the crown. Robert’s father plans to obtain the throne for his son by giving up to the English. Worried by the rebellion, Longshanks sends his son's wife Isabella of France to try to negotiate with Wallace as a distraction for the landing of another invasion force in

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