Breast Cancer Survivor Report

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A lot of people don’t realize that some famous people have endured breast cancer. For example, Good Morning America star, Robin Roberts, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. With it now being 2014, she is a breast cancer survivor. After hosting a tribute show for Good Morning America host, Joel Siegel, she discovered a lump. She called the doctor that night and went in for her appointment and he found the early stages of breast cancer. Even after her diagnosis, she continued to move forward which is key when learning this devastating news (Robin Roberts). 80% of those that are diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of cancer. This goes to show that anyone is a possible carrier of breast cancer; including women. The term “breast cancer survivor” is a term that is used completely different than it ever has. …show more content…

It takes a very strong, unbelievable and determined person to deal with the fear and pressure of having breast cancer. It is not only the survivor that deals with these things, but also the caregivers of the patients. People that care for cancer patients go through extreme mental and physical ache all with knowing that someone is depending on them. Breast cancer, as well as other cancers, is a serious disease. The Center for Disease Control wrote an article titled, “International Cancer Control”, and said, “More than twice as many people die from cancer than from AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined”. Breast cancer should be more prevalent in public awareness in order to stress early detection and to inform the person of how to deal with their

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