Breaking Up Warning Signs Research

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Breaking Up Warning Signs:Understanding the Signs Before It's Too Late By Dani Taylor Aug 21, 2008 While none of us has a crystal ball we can gaze into to predict the future, when it comes to some situations, there are still things we can do in the here and now to ascertain what might happen to us around the next corner. Although everyone, of course, will behave a bit differently, there are still some general signs to watch for that might indicate your spouse is about to end your marriage, and here are just a few of them. - Everything you discuss turns into an argument: Regardless of the topic or who started the conversation, it inevitably turns into either a heated argument or an all out fight. It's almost as if they're looking for a reason to fight. Refuse to "take the bait" and try your best not to argue back. …show more content…

The best way to deal with this particular sign is to tackle it head on, simply ask what it is you're doing that's so troubling. - They're suddenly behaving secretively: Even if both of your lives weren't exactly open books before, but now, most everything they do is shrouded in secrecy, this is definitely a warning sign that something isn't right. - Friends and family appear to be strangely uncomfortable around you: Most times, the friends, or her family, are the first to know what's going on. If you feel somewhat close to any of them, don't hesitate to politely ask, once, if they know what's been upsetting your partner so much lately. - There's absolutely no interest in sex or a serious decline in your intimate moments: Although a lack of sex drive can mean several completely different things are going on, none of which have anything sinister to do with your relationship, it can also mean that your spouse has found another to satisfy their

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