Breaking The Law

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Laws are made and enforced for a reason.No matter how bad or ridiculous a law may seem it is to benefit and protect the well being of the people.If people break or "peacefully resist" then there is no point in having the law.Sure the person who resisted the law will face the consequences but at what cost the damage is done and if the punishment is not sever enough then more and more people will begin to follow and resist the law as well and eventually something bad will happen that the law could have prevented.For example there has been occasions where people are speeding or not obeying the driving laws and when they are confronted by an officer of the law they claim to be free inhabitants which they claim gives them an immunity to most laws …show more content…

I completely agree with this statement as it mean what i am trying to convey.If you do not agree with a law that is meant to protect the peoples mental and physical state then that could qualify the person who doesn't agree as a terrorist of sorts if they processed in breaking the law.The way society works is if a majority of the people do something then it is highly probable that many people will follow since no one wants to standout.So if this is the case then if a group of be it a popular well know person where to peacefully resist then it can be expected the more people will follow and if many people are breaking the law or "peacefully resisting then its can be assumed that the society of people are being negatively effected.Another example people that "peacefully resist" that law are feminists.Feminists now a days are using an age old cause in order to support their newly developed twisted ideals that are not the same ideal that feminism was originally created for.This new wave of feminism is more extreme and the people do not fully obey all the laws claiming that it is for a cause, there for it is not a direct violation and if anything peacefully fighting for their beliefs.In conclusion it is very obvious that if someone is the break the law under any circumstances or under any fake name then it is going to negatively impact people and if it is a big enough crime one person could dramatically decrease the free society

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