Brave New World

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Adventures are always there, simply waiting for you to have your way and experience them. We are here right now, as one nation, simply because some of the greatest explorers of the world found the guts to actually travel and discover almost every single place that exists at the moment. These people who are hungry for information should be our examples, because life is meant to be lived, and that would mean we must continue to learn, to try, to explore, to discover. We're considered to be the modern humans, we have all the technology, so we mustn't stop discovering. There are still questions that no one can answer, hopefully the future generation can, but for now, here are some of the world's greatest explorers of all time, that would definitely …show more content…

He was originally from Portugal, from a wealthy family that served in the royal court. He was already into exploring while he was young and have traveled to India by sailing all around the African region, however, he thought about wandering to another route, which is the west and around the Americas. King Charles V of Spain supported his idea and was the one who funded the voyage. He finally set sail in together with his men of over two hundred, in five ships namely, the Trinidad, the Santiago, the San Antonio, the Concepcion, and the Victoria. They first set sail to the Canary Islands across the Atlantic. Unfortunately, the San Antonio disappeared and the Santiago sunk, it took them four months to actually explore the …show more content…

He asked the King and Queen of Spain to pay for his trip, because he believed that there is much more to explore in the Far East of China. He then set sail in 1492 and found the Bahamas, he went back to Spain immediately and was treated like a hero, so he made more voyages around the Caribbean and finally founding the mainland of America. Unfortunately, he died in 1506 thinking that he had found a shortcut to Asia. NEIL ARMSTRONG This next one was not from the 1500s but he was the first human being to step on a place far from any country or the world for the matter, since he is known to be the first man in moon. His very first out of this world trip, literally, was aboard the Gemini 8, he was actually the commas pilot of the space capsule at the time. Unfortunately, their time in space was cut short because the capsules rolled. However, in 1969, he commanded the Apollo 11, along with other astronauts, went on a trip to the moon, for the very first time. “The Eagle has landed. That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Neil Armstrong SIR RANULPH

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