Boring School Short Story

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Another day of boring school and blistering heat. I wasn’t thinking of anything other than the Geography paper due tomorrow that was due tomorrow. When I stepped through the doors my glasses fogged up and I missed a step on the stairs, luckily not hurting myself. Sliding down the rest of the stairs I look around to make sure no one saw me fall. No one was around, thankfully, so I keep moving, crossing the street. I get a couple blocks away before I realize I left French binder in my locker. It’s only 4:00, the teachers should still be there. I jog back to school and race up the stairs-not falling this time and pull the door open. I race through the semi-dark halls until I get to my locker.
“Forget something?” I startle. I look up …show more content…

I thought I was going to be in trouble. I open my locker and grab my binder when I notice a paper fall out. I pick it up and unfold it- it was a little note from my friend Morgan. Meet me in the gym. I’ll wait until 4:30 -M.
I look down look down at my phone. 4:23, I gotta hurry if I want to catch her. Walking the halls of this school can be very monotonous- there’s a SAT word for you. Then you add running to it- geez -I had to stop a couple of times and turn around. Finally I get to the gym and walk into a pitch black room.
“Morgan? You still here? I got your note. I don’t know why you didn’t just text me but your very dramatic all the time I guess.” I call out. I search the wall for a light switch and turn up empty handed.
“I swear Morgan if you’re playing a joke on me I won’t talk to you for a month.” I pause. “I’m leaving. See you tomorrow I guess?” I turn around to leave but before I can my phone rings. Some random number. I turn around and push on the doors- except they don’t open at all. They weren’t locked when I came in. Maybe someone came and locked them. I hear a loud crash behind me and turn around towards

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