Border Wall Persuasive Speech

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Hook: "I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will makge Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words." Introduction: the Presidential elect Donald J. trump has proposed and promised to build a large reinforced wall along our southern border with Mexico. If successful, it could have a tremendous effect on the U.S economy. Thesis: By Building a U.S Mexico border wall he hopes to decrease the rate of illegal border crossing which in return lowers the net fiscal drain illegal immigrants have on the U.S . Many walls like it have proven to be successful and if this wall shares the same fate as many others, the funds the wall will save will greatly outnumber the amount needed to build and maintain it in the first place while generating jobs in the process. …show more content…

All though some illegal immigrants do pay taxes, the amount paid by taxpayers and the federal government in total for their occupation is huge. So huge, that it only lowers the amount down to 116 billion nationally. Since this number amounts to the cost of ALL illegal immigration it is easy to dismiss the wall as a silly idea but illegal border crossing still accounts for ⅓ of it. to put that into perspective,

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