Bonobos Vs. Chimpanzees

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Thesis: Based on the observable behavior and culture of bonobos, compared to chimps, bonobos provided better insight and blueprint of precursor of human behavior than the chimps.
Bonobos are also called Pan Paniscus, and chimpanzees are also called Pan Troglodytes. Bonobos are much related to Chimpanzees. The Bonobos are female most in control, and Chimpanzees are male most in control .Chimpanzees and Bonobos have almost the same traits and their usual are very almost the same as human also, but Bonobos and Chimps are not much related.
Bonobos were interested in the combined activities, rather than the play objects themselves, and used communicative arm movements actions to encourage unwilling partners to perform their role, suggesting …show more content…

Also, a study was done in the safe place in Africa; bonobo houses on four different bonobos and three humans using four different objects. When the game was intentionally stopped, the bonobos produced hand movements actions to re-engage in game with human person who was part of a study. The hand and arm movements actions were Bonobos movement such as, beg, grab, oral sex bob, offer, palm close or open, and touch, stamping with feet and jiggling leg toward person who was a part of study. The data was watched by digital camcorder. This evidence shows the behaviors of Bonobos are just like …show more content…

In chimp groups, the highest-ranking male is the only one allowed to mate with the females, but in bonobo cultures, everyone has sexual freedom and sex acts happen between all combinations of ages and males and females.
Homosexual acts are especially common among female bonobos, which they use to create strong emotional bonds and maintain social control over the males. In fact, bonobos have peaceful, female run communities of people. Chimps are led by a strongest male in a group and occasionally kill each other. Chimp groups keep very strict edges, which they in an evil and violent way defend. In contrast, bonobos allow for overlap in their land areas controlled by someone and will even mate across community lines.
Other major differences between chimps and bonobos include their speaking, tool use, and land-based nature. For example, bonobos have higher-pitched voices, and chimps tend to beep, scream, and murmur. Finally, while chimps are known to use tools to crack nuts, collects ants, and clip leaves, bonobos have only rarely used tools in captured in

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